Safety & Health Management

  1. 01

    Proactive Prevention of Major Accidents

    Comply with domestic and international environmental, safety, and health regulations and the requirements of environmental/safety and health systems.

    Establish a management system to proactively prevent major accidents.

  2. 02

    Creating a Safe and Pleasant Working Environment

    Systematically and quantitatively analyze and identify potential risks in advance.

    Continuously engage in consistent safety prevention activities to create a safe working environment free from accident risks and establish an organizational culture that rigorously adheres to fundamental principles
    (e.g., prevention of toppling, collisions, entrapment, and falls).

  3. 03

    Strengthening the Safety Cooperation System

    Establish smooth communication and mutual cooperation systems with all employees, customers, and stakeholders.

    Transparently disclose relevant information and continuously support partners to enhance their safety levels, fostering a healthy and safe co-growth culture. Actively ensure workers’ and their representatives’ consultation and participation in safety and health matters.

  4. 04

    Continuous Performance Improvement

    Set safety and health goals and establish action plans annually by hierarchy and function to enhance major safety and health performance.

    Implement these plans to achieve continuous improvement in safety and health performance.

Safety and Health Policy

TranIt provides a safe and healthy work environment through its safety and health policy.

Safety and Health Policy

1. Overview
1. Purpose of Establishment

TranIt Co., Ltd. declares this safety and health policy to prevent disasters that may occur across its supply chain, workplaces, and distribution networks, while providing a safe and healthy work environment to ensure the sustainability of life values.

This safety and health management policy is established based on domestic and international safety and health regulations, safety and health management standards and guidelines (e.g., ISO45001), TranIt’s safety and health management principles, strategies, and objectives.

TranIt Safety and Health Management Detailed Guidelines

  1. 1) Proactive Prevention of Major Accidents

    - Comply with domestic and international safety/health-related regulations and safety and health system requirements, establishing a management system to proactively prevent major accidents.

  2. 2) Creating a Safe and Comfortable Work Environment
    • -

      Systematically and quantitatively analyze and identify potential risks in advance.

      Continue consistent safety prevention activities to create a risk-free working environment and establish an organizational culture that rigorously adheres to fundamental principles.

    • - Activities to prevent risks such as toppling, collisions, entrapment, and falling.
  3. 3) Strengthening the Safety Cooperation System

    - Establish smooth communication and mutual cooperation systems with all employees, customers, and stakeholders. Transparently disclose relevant information, provide ongoing support to improve the safety levels of partners, foster a healthy and safe culture of co-growth, and actively ensure the consultation and participation of workers and their representatives regarding safety and health matters.

2. Scope of Application

This policy applies to all TranIt business sites, both domestic and international.

Partners and contractors working with TranIt are encouraged to comply with this policy or an equivalent level of policy.

Jointly promote the expansion of safety and health prevention inspections, embedding a safety culture, and adopting new safety technologies.

TranIt Co., Ltd. complies with safety and health-related laws and regulations, establishing and implementing safety and health plans within the bounds of compliance.

3. Implementation System

TranIt Co., Ltd. establishes a safety and health management system to implement this safety and health management policy, continuously striving for improvement.

All domestic and international business sites operate a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, including safety and health action plan development, identification of hazardous risk factors, promotion of safety and health improvement activities, evaluation of implementation performance, and development of improvement measures based on performance analysis.

2. Basic Principles

TranIt ensures a safe and healthy work environment to guarantee the sustainability of life values.

It establishes a safety and health organizational system for proactive accident prevention and creates advanced safety and health workplaces by reducing the overall number of incidents.

1. Improvement of Safety Management Practices

TranIt Co., Ltd. establishes a safety and health organizational structure to implement its safety-first management policy.

It operates key performance indicators (KPIs) to enhance on-site safety and health levels.

Additionally, it identifies improvement tasks to prevent major accidents and strengthens safety and health management by having senior management oversee on-site safety and health conditions.

2. Focused Prevention of Major Accidents

TranIt Co., Ltd. expands strategic prevention inspection activities to continuously reduce industrial accidents, including major accidents.

It strengthens evaluation procedures and standards to mitigate safety and health risks associated with high-risk operating facilities and work environments.

Additionally, it develops and distributes practical guidelines for the proactive prevention of major accidents while increasing investments in building safety and health systems and infrastructure.

3. Enhancing Employee Safety Awareness

TranIt Co., Ltd. builds an educational platform to enhance employees' awareness of safety and health in their daily lives.

It provides experiential educational content, conducts participatory safety and health campaigns, and carries out emergency response training to ensure capabilities in initial response, emergency evacuation, and fire suppression in real-life situations.

4. Promoting Smart Safety and Health

TranIt improves protective devices focusing on high-risk processes to fundamentally eliminate major accidents and risk factors.

It focuses its investment capabilities on identifying and analyzing hazardous workspaces, detecting work behaviors, and providing alerts using advanced safety and health technologies and infrastructure.

5. Safety and Health Promotion Activities

TranIt conducts various activities, including evaluating safety and health management levels, enhancing safety awareness, creating safe working environments, and strengthening safety and health capabilities to establish an advanced safety culture.

  1. 1)
    Risk Assessment :

    Ensure that waste generated at business sites is properly treated and traceable in accordance with procedures established by relevant laws and regulations.

  2. 2)
    Posting Safety and Health Signs :

    Post warning signs for hazardous or dangerous locations, facilities, and materials, along with emergency response guides, in clearly identifiable positions.

  3. 3)
    Workplace Safety Measures :

    Establish standards to manage locations within the workplace that pose risks such as falls, collapses, falling objects, natural disasters, and other hazards.

    Conduct regular maintenance, repair, and inspections.

  4. 4)
    Safety Measures for Machinery and Equipment :

    Implement protective measures considering the functions and characteristics of machinery, equipment, and facilities.

    Perform maintenance, repairs, and inspections to eliminate potential risks.

  5. 5)
    Preventive and Health Measures Against Health Hazards :

    Take preventive and health measures to protect against health hazards caused by raw materials, gases, vapors, high temperatures, noise, and similar factors.

  6. 6)
    Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) :

    Provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for the working environment and ensure spare protective equipment is stocked and managed.

    Enforce mandatory PPE usage.

  7. 7)
    Safety and Health Diagnostics :

    Conduct safety and health diagnostics for workplaces with high risks of disasters such as falls, collapses, fires, explosions, and hazardous material leaks.

  8. 8)
    Emergency Response :

    Regularly conduct training based on emergency response scenarios for disasters such as falls, collapses, fires, explosions, and hazardous material leaks.

    Perform periodic functionality checks of related firefighting equipment.

  9. 9)
    Hazardous Material Management :

    Document and maintain a list of material safety data sheets for hazardous substances.

    Regularly measure physical and chemical hazardous agents and take corrective actions.

  10. 10)
    Health Promotion Activities :

    Conduct regular health check-ups to protect and maintain health.

    Implement measures to prevent work-related illnesses, such as respiratory and musculoskeletal conditions, and operate lifestyle improvement programs to manage occupational stress.

  11. 11)
    Safety and Health Support for Partners :

    Establish a safety and health management system for partners to enhance risk assessments.

    Strengthen disaster prevention through on-site-focused management, including partner diagnostics, training, and consultations.

  12. 12)
    Accident Investigation :

    Conduct cause investigations in the event of accidents and develop measures to prevent recurrence.

    Regularly analyze statistics on industrial accidents and reflect findings in safety and health performance improvement goals.

3. Management
1. Governance
  1. 1) Ultimate Decision-Making Authority

    The CEO of TranIt Co., Ltd. holds the final decision-making authority regarding safety and health matters and oversees safety and health plans, activities, and performance through committees chaired by the CEO.

    The primary roles of these committees include reviewing and revising safety and health management policies, examining safety and health risks and discussing response measures, monitoring progress in safety and health initiatives, evaluating investments in safety and health facilities and infrastructure, and addressing other matters deemed necessary for promoting and disseminating safety and health management.

  2. 2) Implementation Organization

    TranIt Co., Ltd. establishes safety and health management implementation organizations at its headquarters and business sites to perform relevant tasks.

    These organizations are responsible for developing preventive plans related to safety and health, drafting management regulations, measuring workplace environments, investigating industrial accidents and formulating prevention measures, maintaining facilities and protective equipment, conducting training, engaging in internal and external cooperation, and implementing measures to prevent hazards and risks at business sites.

  3. 3) Labor-Management Communication Mechanism

    TranIt Co., Ltd. operates communication mechanisms, such as industrial safety and health committees, composed of equal representation from labor and management.

    These mechanisms collectively deliberate and decide on matters necessary to maintain and enhance safety and health, seeking employee understanding and cooperation.

    Key agenda items include safety and health management regulations, safety and health training, workplace environment measurements, and health diagnostics.

2. Suggestions and Handling
  1. 1) Receiving Suggestions

    TranIt Co., Ltd. operates channels to receive safety and health-related grievances arising during business operations from employees, partners, and other entities or individuals (e.g., through a near-miss identification system).

  2. 2) Handling Submissions

    TranIt Co., Ltd. devises response measures by considering the safety of facility use by employees, internal operating procedures, and safety and health investments from a comprehensive perspective.

    Promptly implements and announces feedback and resolution procedures to address grievances and reported cases.

3. Education and Dissemination
  1. 1) Training and Education

    TranIt Co., Ltd. conducts safety and health education for employees, partners, and other stakeholders.

    This aims to enhance awareness of the importance of safety and health management and prioritize safety and health in work and operational processes.

    Additionally, it strengthens capabilities for immediate responses during emergencies.

  2. 2) External Collaboration

    TranIt Co., Ltd. establishes cooperative frameworks with local governments, public-private councils, and external professional organizations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its safety and health management efforts.

    It leverages the expertise and experiences of external organizations in building safety and health management systems and conducting safety and health risk assessments to improve its safety and health framework.

4. Performance Management
  1. 1) Setting Performance Goals

    TranIt Co., Ltd. sets and manages performance improvement goals to strengthen safety-first management, proactively prevent major accidents, and establish eco-friendly safety management capabilities.

    These goals are based on safety and health data, considering laws and regulations, industry safety and health trends, and internal/external safety and health issues.

  2. 2) Monitoring Implementation Status

    TranIt Co., Ltd. regularly monitors the implementation status of safety and health performance improvement goals.

    It evaluates not only implementation rates but also the effectiveness of activities carried out to achieve the goals and identifies challenges in the implementation process.

    If necessary, goals are adjusted based on the monitoring results.

  3. 3) Performance Evaluation of Safety and Health Officers

    TranIt Co., Ltd. incorporates safety and health performance improvement goals and their implementation status into the key performance indicators (KPIs) of safety and health officers.

    Evaluations consider not only the achievement of performance improvement goals but also risk factor identification, on-site improvements, internalization, and cultural dissemination efforts.

5. Communication
  1. 1) Government Agencies

    Anticipate and proactively respond to safety and health-related policy directions from governments and relevant agencies.

    Additionally, correctly understand and comply with laws, regulations, international standards, and guidelines.

  2. 2) Employees

    Share safety and health policies and provide education to improve awareness of safety and health management.

    Ensure full implementation of matters related to safety and health policies.

  3. 3) Investors

    Generate safety and health performance that meets the requirements of shareholders and investors, fostering ongoing trust while encouraging increased investment to enhance corporate value.

  4. 4) Partners

    Share knowledge and experience related to promoting safety and health management to strengthen the safety and health capabilities of partners.

    Support partners in creating safety and health value across the entire value chain.

  5. 5) Local Communities

    Gather opinions from local governments, public-private councils, and other entities to eliminate or mitigate safety and health risks posed to the community by business operations.

    Work to identify and resolve grievances raised by the community.

4. Supplementary Provisions

This safety and health management policy is established and implemented as of December 2023.